The Archive Explorers primary school workshop allows pupils to explore and rummage through local archives or historical societies with archive artist Leanora Olmi (AKA Screen Bandita). Participants will pick out specific people or stories from the collection, and illustrate in pastel and collage the local yarns that they have uncovered through their own interpretations and imaginations.
Opening up the Archive and revealing it as a treasure trove of mysteries to be reimagined and reignited, Leanora dusts off the covers and guide pupils through local yarns, weird objects and forgotten folk from the past.
Suitable for ages: 7-9. Maximum number recommended in each group 16.
Images: Les Graetz and James Hocking

"Leanora enabled the students to explore the possibilities of creating their own artwork confidently and without thinking they needed to do what someone else was doing. They set to create their pieces enthusiastically and were confident and proud to talk about what their work was about."
Sheryl Herben, Yaapeet Primary School.
"The kids had an absolutely fantastic time at the Archive Explorers workshop, they particularly enjoyed seeing all the old pictures of the parents and grandparents in the archives. Once we got back to school we spent the rest of the day talking about everything we saw and the art pieces that we made. It was an excellent day and the kids would love to do it again!"
Emily Teasdale, Rainbow Primary School.
“It was great to see the excitement of local children moving around the Archive exploring the treasures on display and sharing the history from the community”
Adelle Rohrsheim, Oasis Community Arts Project Manager – Small Town Transformations Rainbow.